First Day of School

August 21, 2006



Wow! We had a terrific first day and first week of school! The kids are settling into the routine and have amazed me at how much they know and how much they've learned already.



Our first day started with a tour of High Country Elementary. After reading the book The Gingerbread Man, we went on a school-wide search to hunt for the "Gingerbread Man."

While looking for the "Gingerbread Man," we visited the counselor's office, the library, the P.E. gym, the nurse's office, the art/music room, the office, the computer lab, and the cafeteria. While in the cafeteria, we practiced going through the lunch line to get us ready for lunch time later that day.

During the rest of the day we talked about rules, learned how to walk in lines, read stories, drew pictures, graphed our school transportation, sorted construction paper, played in centers, and much, much more!


Here are a few snapshots showing how much fun we are having in school! 

Bulletin Board

We drew pictures of ourselves
and Miss Cooper put them up on
the bulletin board and then took a 
photo of us.

My picture looks just like ME!!

We like the reading and listening 
couch----it's "comfy".


Learning how to take care of
the centers is VERY IMPORTANT!!

The first day and first week of school were a great success! I enjoyed getting to know all of the kids, and I am looking forward to many more successful weeks to come!




Graphics on this page are from....

Background from Background City

Gingerbread Man book graphic from